

  • Offrant l’accès à des lieux impraticables et des possibilités de prises de vue vertigineuses, les drones révolutionnent depuis quelques années l’art de la photographie aérienne en lui insufflant un fabuleux élan créatif.

    18,34 € 28,34 € Disponible
  • Matelot sur le Rhône retrace les mémoires d'un des derniers appelés du contingent, peu de temps avant la professionnalisation des armées. Son bâtiment, le BSM Rhône, lui-même en fin de service, était alors basé en Martinique et assurait le soutien de la flotte dans la région des Caraïbes.

    8,96 € 18,96 € Disponible
  • This is an extraordinary story, beginning with a bare-foot colonial childhood, and indeed not speaking English until he was four, yet ending up at Cambridge, ultimately dealing at the highest levels of the Russian aviation industry. ...

    17,81 € 39,81 € Disponible
  • Filling the many gaps in Formula 1 records, this book re-writes the racing history books. The history of F1 can be neatly divided into two eras, the first formally ending January 1980 when the terms `Grand Prix` and `World Championship` became synonymous, although there would be three more non-championship races after that date. Edition 2017 - livre neuf

    27,13 € 52,13 € Disponible
  • Frank Kayser is the world's most influential automobile photographer, composing his shoots like performances. He has worked for Audi, Porsche, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Lamborghini, BMW and Infinity. His portfolio is a kaleidoscope of the most fascinating sports cars in the world. This book has been published to accompany an exhibition at the Automuseum...

    62,28 € 140,28 € Disponible

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