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Librairie passion Automobile, 83 rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris (Métro, stations Rennes ou Saint-Sulpice) 01 45 48 15 14
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Features working images from the 1960s & 1970s taken by Roger Kenney - mainly in the Liverpool / Manchester area - of lorries and vehicles of over 100 English, Scottish & Welsh road haulage and road transport operators. ...
The days of the fairground operating with steam traction engines have long since gone – the next vehicles to enter the tobers were the internal combustion engine, lorries with both petrol and diesel engines being used. ...
"This time a quarter of a century ago, London was three years on from the privatisation of its red buses. The resulting independent companies were now dividing and regrouping amongst themselves, often submitting to takeovers from big groups armed with venture capital. ...
Avec leurs chromes étincelants, leurs peintures soignées et des décorations à l'aérographe d'une grande finesse, ces camions européens offrent un spectacle à couper le souffle.
Numéro Hors-Série trimestriel 111 de septembre-octobre-novembre 2023. Les véhicules des Ponts & Chaussées, par Jean-François Colombet.
Dieses Buch widmet sich den Lastwagen und Bussen Osteuropas, wobei sich die Eingrenzung auf den Wirtschaftsraum des ehemaligen Ostblocks mit den Staaten des RGW sowie Jugoslawien bezieht. ...
This book covers an important aspect of British bus provision that has not been fully documented before. ...
he history of Lancia trucks from 1910 to the 1970s,... Edition bilingue anglais/italien
The history of Fiat trucks and vans from the earliest days up to the birth of the Iveco era ... Edition bilingue anglais / italien
The detailed history and development of Italian ambulance production from the end ... Edition bilingue Anglais/italien
Una carrellata dagli anni ‘30 ai giorni nostri sugli autobus di maggior successo ...
Evoluzione, attraverso i decenni, dei modelli di autobus prodotti in Italia... Edition bilingue anglais/italien