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Librairie passion Automobile, 83 rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris (Métro, stations Rennes ou Saint-Sulpice) 01 45 48 15 14
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In this volume of previously unpublished photographs David Reed records traction-engine rallies from the late 1960s through to the early 1980s. ...
Numéro Hors-Série trimestriel 111 de septembre-octobre-novembre 2023. Les véhicules des Ponts & Chaussées, par Jean-François Colombet.
L'histoire et les modèles de 100 marques de tracteurs de légende : création de la marque, succès et échecs, caractéristiques techniques des modèles, etc. John Deere, Renault, Ferguson, Allis-Chalmers, New Holland...
In this revealing book, tractor expert Jonathan Whitlam covers the full history of the development of Lamborghini tractors. First produced in 1948, the Lamborghini tractor brand soon gained a reputation for innovation. ...
The commercial life of traction engines and steam wagons largely came to an end in the 1950s and early 1960s. It was also at this time that preservation and display in the form of rallies came into being. It is generally acknowledged that the traction engine rally scene has its origins in a race between two engine-owning farmers at Appleford, Berkshire in...
De la Libération au début des années quatre-vingt, les véhicules des surplus de la Seconde Guerre mondiale vont faire partie intégrante du paysage routier français et de celui des chantiers.
The most powerful green tractors on earth take center stage in this stunningly crafted book that shines a spotlight on the modern machines that feed our planet. ...
This book is an unabashed celebration of one of Great Britain's greatest engineering names and the remarkable machines that can be seen in action all over the world. ...
The story of the four-wheel-drive tractors built by Steiger, International Harvester, Case, and Case IH is told in dramatic fashion in this authoritative guide. Starting with the development of early four-wheel-drive systems at International Harvester, the book traces the evolution and design some of the most powerful and capable tractors of the twentieth...
Revivez les épisodes clés de cette marque légendaire, du spartiate Waterloo Boy au modèle AOS, des versions allemandes et argentines aux populaires tracteurs de la “New Generation”.
Launched in 1958, as the successor to the ubiquitous Ferguson TE20, the Massey-Ferguson 35 was a product of the merger of Massey-Harris and Ferguson. It incorporated numerous improvements and new features and became massively popular worldwide. ...
Ouvrage épuisé From Allis-Chalmers to Vickers, this is an A-Z of tractors made in Britain between 1945 and 1965, written by a universally acknowledged expert in the subject, whose work has been widely published in books and magazines. ...